Sunday, August 24, 2014

Reading Strategies for Your History Textbook


Today we will be reading a section out of your U.S. History textbook that focuses on our 35th president, John F. Kennedy.

Our during-reading strategy will be using sticky-notes to bookmark important information of this biography for future recall.


1). A sticky note pad will make it's way around to you.  Please take 11 stick notes

2). Write the following labels on your sticky notes:

* #1 - Name

* #1 - Time Period

*#1 - Place

*#2 - Occupation

*#2 - End

*#3 - Personality

*#4 - Accomplishment

*#4 - Accomplishment

*#5 - Challenge

*#5 - Challenge

*#6 - Quote

3). While we read, place the labeled sticky notes directly on your photocopied section where they apply.

4). Click on the following link to create a bio-cube as a 3-D way to create notes for this section for future recall.

5). Use your sticky noted sections of the reading to help you fill out the prompts on the bio cube.  

6). When you have finished, print off your bio cube, 3-hole punch your work (if you use a binder), and keep both the sticky-noted textbook section and your bio-cube together to turn in with this week's graded binder work on Friday.

7). If you get done early, you may silently read or peruse Mrs. Enos' classroom website (sound off please).

8). IF YOU THINK YOU WILL RUN OUT OF TIME = Print off what you have so far, then fill in the remaining boxes with your hand-written answers.  WORK IS DUE WITH YOUR FRIDAY BINDER/FOLDER.

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