Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Math Test-Taking Tips!

You might be wondering, "What does Math have to do with my Reading class?"  Whether you're looking at a story problem or an equation, you're reading!  September 3rd - 6th is going to be "Math Week" in Reading Class!  We will be learning how best to READ MATH!

Click on the following link below and fill out your tip/strategy chart for this station as you go!

12 Tips for Math Test-Taking

Friday, August 23, 2013

Using Graphic Organizers to Remember What You've Read

On Monday and Tuesday we will be rotating through five different stations.  Some stations will contain pre-reading strategies for reading historical texts about the Civil Rights Movement, some stations will contain informational texts about this time period where we will be completing graphic organizers to organize and categorize the most important information from the text.  One of the stations will be audio-visual.  The links for Station A are below.  Please watch at least two of the videos and fill out the provided web.  You may need to watch the clips more than once to write adequate notes/complete the web.

History Channel Videos

Little Rock Nine

Supreme Court Ruling

Jackie Robinson

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

More Tips When Reading Your History Textbook!

When the chapter focuses mainly on one person/historical figure, consider taking notes "Bio Cube Style"!  We will be trying out this interactive tool in class after reading a section in your textbook on John F. Kennedy.

Communicating Tone/Mood Through Music

One of the stations you will be participating in today deals with identifying the tone/mood of a piece of writing.  Music is lyrical poetry, and thus, a creative form of writing!  As we work our way into the thematic unit of "Self-Worth" and "Finding Voice" with some nonfiction pieces focusing on the Civil Rights Movement, these musical numbers will give you a taste of what was on the minds of those expressing their voice during the 1960's.  Click on the link below to help you reflect in your station packet for today (Station A)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tips for Reading Your History Textbook

 Do you have trouble remembering what you just read out of the chapter in your History textbook?  Yes, there may be a lot of pages, thus a lot of facts, dates, and events to remember, but try looking at the text you're reading in a different way.

     History is incredibly interesting!  Just like when you watch a captivating movie or an intriguing book, see your history textbook as a historical story.  Think about it.  Every historical event you read about has a beginning, middle, and an end (plot).  There is a time and location (setting), people involved with that event (characters), some kind of issue, problem, dilemma or drama (conflict), and if it's a part of the past/history, some type of finality to it (resolution).

     We will be reading a section out of your history textbooks today and then mapping out this section into story form.  Readers will remember the important details of a captivating story and by reading your History textbook with the perspective that this is an important, factual retelling, you can better remember the details of the material!

     After reading the assigned section in your textbook, click on the blue link below and your instructor will explain the interactive mapping process.  Your work will be printed and turned in at the end of class.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Following Directions Activity

One of our informational text stations for today will be focusing on following directions.  Click on the following link to see if you can make it to the end of these complex directions.  Feel free to use paper and pencil to help you "see" or "feel" what you need to do in order to type in the correct answer.