Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Station A: Commonly Confused Words Practice


Click on the following link and the choose word sets that tend to confuse you the most when reading or you tend to mix up in your writing.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Quarter A's: A-Z S.S.R. Prezi Example


1) Choose one of the books that you've completed during our first 8 weeks of S.S.R.

2). Create a Prezi  using all 26 elements (A-Z list) that you've identified in this piece of literature.  You do not have to showcase the 26 elements in alphabetical order, but you must include all 26 elements in your presentation.  Please use labels/headings as well when explaining your information.

3). A checklist/grade sheet will be given to you while you work, so you will know exactly what you'll be getting graded on.  DEADLINE = Beginning of class on Tuesday, October 14th.

*You will have Friday, 10/3 and Monday, October 10/6 to work on your Prezi in class.


"Different Like You" Vocabulary Quiz

Use the Quizlet tool to study for Thursday's vocabulary quiz!