Welcome to Reading 9/10! This is my thirteenth year teaching in the area of Language Arts and my seventh year teaching for Fremont Public Schools. I'm looking forward to an enriching semester with you and your classmates!
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Station A: Math Literacy
1). Zoning in on certain/key words when reading story problems is crucial to finding the correct answer. Watch the following video and fill out the notes skeleton for these great and useful tips! http://video.about.com/math/Tips-for-Solving-Math-Problems.htm
2). If you finish filling out the notes with time to spare, test your knowledge with these real-life math concepts by clicking on the links below:
http://www.thatquiz.org/tq-g/ math/time/
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Station A: Paying Close Attention to the Direction's Details
Individually, you will try to fill in each box with a nonsense word based on the specific directions given. Take your time. In this case, quality and accuracy is not a race:) Click on the link below to get started.
Station D: Paying Close Attention to Specific Wording in Directions
In small groups you will try to navigate your way through a fictional town/community by paying close attention to specific directions and wording. Use active reading skills to make sure you don't miss a step! Click on the link below to get started:
Thursday, August 6, 2015
2014-2015 Syllabus
Reading 9/10 Syllabus
Teacher: Mrs. Enos
Classroom Website: http://readwithenos.blogspot.com
School E-mail: Laura.Enos@fpsmail.org
Room: B106
“Office Hours”:
7:15 - 7:45 AM (drop-in’s welcome); 3:15-3:45 PM (appointment preferred); TST (you must have a signed pass from me prior to the beginning of TST).
Welcome to Reading 9/10! This course offers you the opportunity to grow as a reader, reflector and analyzer. Whether you feel in this moment that improving your reading and vocabulary skills is important to you or not, hopefully by the end of the semester you will see how applicable the issues we cover in class are connected to the topics and situations that you will be faced with beyond this classroom experience. Remember, we aren’t all starting at the same place—our strengths and weaknesses are as varied as our personalities. Each of us can improve this year if we work together to build a strong classroom community. In other words: We must respect each other!
* A notebook or binder with paper (this will be used for brainstorming, in-class activities, journaling, written reflections, homework and background notes)
*A folder/binder/organizer to store your daily assignments (don’t throw anything away that hasn’t been graded or is on colored paper! When in doubt, just ask.)
Your classroom folder/binder will be turned in on FRIDAY’S so it needs to be a binder/folder designated for this class only. If you would like to borrow one from me (while supplies last) please let me know.
*Highlighter (optional--I have classroom highlighters for student use as well)
*Google Account login & password We do complete writing assignments using google docs. through our email account. You need to always have the login and password information with you or have the information confidently memorized by the second week of school.
Writing(Good Writers Make for Good Readers): This will entail journaling,
personal reflections, formulating discussion questions, brainstorming, outlining,
and essay writing.
Reading: We will examine a variety of authors and a variety of literary genres:
novels (choice reading and literature circles), fictional short stories (including all fictional sub-genres), poetry, non-fiction (true stories, journalism/news, memoirs, etc.), and drama (plays/readers theater).
Text Schedule: Quarter A will be predominantly nonfiction and Quarter B will mostly entail fictional pieces in regards to the types of texts we’ll be reading for classroom lessons.
Choice Reading: Our reading goal for the year is that every student reads for at least 100 minutes/week (For example: That would be the equivalent of reading 20 minutes a day for 5 days with 2 days off) at or above his/her reading level. A log will be kept where an adult (family member, friend, teacher, mentor, etc.) will sign off, witnessing and verifying what you’ve read and length of time and the logs will eventually progress to higher-level daily reflections on what you’re reading. There will be some silent reading time built into the week as well that can go towards these 100 minutes since I know many of you work/have a job outside of the school day or are involved in extracurricular activities. The only time you’d have to complete this choice reading outside of class is if you are absent from school or it is observed and determined by the teacher that you did not use class time wisely.
Quizzes: Vocabulary quizzes (new words, prefixes and suffixes) will be given periodically with the purpose of checking your knowledge, progression, and mastery of the material. Essentially, are you understanding the information being learned in class?
Texts/Exams: Tests will be given at the completion of each quarter (CRTs - cold reads). There will always be an in-class review and study guide given prior to the test. We will also have a reading comprehension pre and post assessment to measure your individual growth (Did your skills improve over the 18 weeks we were in class together?), and we will do continuous reading fluency checks with the goal of improving on your pronunciation and fluidity skills while you read.
Homework: In addition to sustained silent reading in the home/outside of school, each Friday your notebook/writing binder will be turned into your teacher including the following:
* a “letter-essay”/blog entry (Quarter A) to reflect on what you’ve been reading (examples and further explanation will be given. Letters can also be submitted electronically.
* journaling we’ve done throughout the week (typically on Tuesday’s)
*In-class activities completed on notebook paper as opposed to a handout
*Newspaper/Informational print comprehension homework: You will receive a free copy of the Fremont Tribune each Wednesday and the accompanying assignment will be due the following Friday.
*Notes taken in class
*All of the work we’ve done during the week will be turned in for feedback,
evaluation and credit/a grade in the gradebook. Every day and every point
counts ( your final class grade is based on total points) so your attendance
and work completion is very important!
Homework Policy Philosophy:
- developed by the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (2005) found on http:// www.netc.org/focus/strategies/home.php
- Homework provides time outside of the classroom for students to practice and deepen their understanding of the content being presented in class.
- Homework is meant to be set at an appropriate level based on a student’s prior knowledge or level of exposure to specific content.
- Regardless of student ability or prior coursework, the amount of time students actively and attentively devote to homework increases their achievement.(Keith & Cool, 1992)
- Feedback will be given along with a grade for all turned in homework assignments. I make an effort for assigned homework to not be “busywork” but to possess quality/purpose in your child’s learning experience.
- Parent Involvement:
- Students and/or Parents should set regular time frames, a place to focus, and clear expectations for where and when their children will work on homework.
- Encourage the following skills with your child throughout the school year: responsibility, confidence, persistence, goal-setting, and planning.
- Facilitate homework completion, not teach content
- Encouraging healthy study habits supports learning. Not only will your child see and feel the reward for his/her efforts, but they will grow in their ability to effectively handle areas of difficulty (Bempechat 2004).
Grading: assignment grades are based on total points—every assignment counts!
· A = 100% - 93%
· B = 92% - 86%
· C = 85% -78%
· D = 77% -70%
· F = 69% - Below
· You will receive two days for every one day missed of class to make up any homework (school policy) that was given/assigned the day of your absence.
Late Homework: A student can turn in completed-late work the following day for up to an 80%. Two or more days late, up to a 70% can be earned (again the work must be fully completed). If your IEP qualifies you for extended time, that will be honored, but please be proactive and discuss the need for an extension with your teacher. We will work together to come up with the best solution.
Extra Credit: Will not be given. If you have an idea for an alternative to an assignment given or would like to redo the assignment completely, please discuss with your teacher the possibility for an alternative product to turn in to show me what you’ve learned and a grade could be changed. Rather than ask about extra credit, we will be focusing on turning in fully completed work, not settling for zeros in the gradebook and working to our highest ability.
· Tardiness: If you arrive late to class, you must have a legitimate pass from a FHS staff member. If you do not have a pass, please go straight to the office to collect a pink tardy slip from your assistant principal before coming to the classroom.
· Etiquette: It is important that all students treat one another with kindness and respect. The Student Handbook clearly defines the school’s expectations. The rules of the Student Handbook will be enforced at all times in this classroom (including our school policies concerning electronics). Please respect the learning environment to avoid a consequence for a poor choice. If a behavior issue arises, parental units and administration will be contacted immediately to best address the issue. Also, always clean up your work area before leaving my room, don’t leave a mess behind you for the next student. If you borrow my materials, please return them promptly and properly (pencils, erasers, etc.).
Leaving the Room: Restroom and water breaks should be taken care of during the passing period. If it cannot wait, please work on timing so instruction is not being interrupted (For Example: individual work time is a great time to go; S.S.R. or when the teacher is demonstrating a new skill, is not). I will make exceptions if you have special needs or are not feeling well, but please let me know at the start of class or ask for a pass (all passes will be given on the day’s date of your student planner/agenda---No planner/Missing pages = no hallway pass).
Miscellaneous: Closed moderate-sized, container drinks are allowed. Food is not allowed unless it is tied to a personal health issue. The school nurse has communicated to me which students need to eat food in the classroom, which I fully support. Gum (always dispose in the trash can) and cough drops are allowed.
I’m looking forward to an enriching semester!
(Please cut off this bottom portion and turn it into Mrs. Enos by Friday, August 21st).
I understand and agree to the class expectations explained in the provided syllabus.
________________________________ _______________________________
Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
Comments/Concerns/Something You’d Like Me to Know to Better Help your Child/Student (optional):
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